The regulator is one of the purchases that will trouble you a lot. There are many good options and the average life of a regulator can easily exceed a decade. If you can spend more money on a piece of equipment, we would suggest that you invest it in the regulator.
Most diving centers use “YOKE” regulators, as it is difficult to accidentally remove the protective cover while washing it. Regulators of this type have more parts between the first stage and the tank and add possible failures to the equipment. As there is no difference in price and the “DIN” regulators are suggested by many diving schools (e.g. Cavern, etc.) that you may want to follow in the future, we do not find any strong advantage in using the “YOKE” type regulators.
The usual quality difference between a more expensive and a more economical regulator is mainly related to the design of the piston and its performance in cases of pressure, how easily it will give you air when the tank is emptying or when two people are breathing at the same time. In addition, a more expensive regulator is less likely to make free flow, and it will probably respond better when inhaling.
Your regulator must be serviced every year to change filters and o-rings. Each manufacturer certifies professionals after seminars to perform maintenance. Depending on the company, they may have exclusive access to a maintenance kit. Before buying a regulator, ask in your area (especially if you live in the provinces) about these parameters, in order to avoid delays and travel costs.
Ideally, the first stage should have two high pressure ports and four low pressure ports.
At high pressure ports you will need to connect your pressure gauge and possibly the air-integrated transmitter for your dive computer. At the low pressure ports you will connect your primary and alternate second stage, the BCD inflator and the drysuit inflator hose.
If you choose the right regulator, it will keep you company for over a decade, so consult experienced people you trust, do your own research and decide.
See our detailed guide regarding each piece of equipment!